Chamber of Commerce

Webinar: COVID -19 regulations

15.12.2020, 11:00 - 12:30


Kancelaria Kacprzak Radcy Prawni and Polish – Swiss Chamber of Commerce are pleased to invite you to a free webinar: “Regulations COVID – 19 – Employer’s Law or Obligation? Risk and Liability”, which will be held on December 15, from 11.00 to 12.30.

The event will be held in Polish. Registration is required, available at this link:



1. Should the employer introduce the COVID-19 regulations?

Legal risks related to COVID-19, including:

– Difficulties in running a business

– Restrictions imposed by Sanepid

– Compensation liability towards employees

2. Measures used to prevent infections among workers


– Is the practice of taking temperature of employees and visitors legal?

– Can an employer refuse to admit an employee, suspected of being infected but not sent to isolation or quarantine, to work ?

– What legal problems are associated with the practice of receiving statements (from employees, third parties) about the risk of infection and its collection?

3. Proceedings in the case of an infection in an employee or an outsider who stayed at the workplace

4. Problems in the field of personal data protection – employees and outsiders

5. Corporate regulations and national requirements regarding COVID-19


Magdalena Włodarska – Legal Advisor at Kacprzak Radcy Prawni, has many years of experience in advising international corporations, including in the field of labor law.

Anna Bobrowska – Legal Advisor at the Kacprzak Radcy Prawni, specializes in particular in labor law matters.