Chamber of Commerce

HR-Forum: The Future of Work lies in Teams

30.09.2021, 14:00 - 15:00


We would like to invite you to the meeting HR-Forum that will take place on 30th September 2021. Partner of the event is Deloitte.

Webinar: The Future of Work lies in Teams

How might the worker-employer relationship evolve to meet the opportunities and challenges of the post–COVID-19 world?

The pandemic strained and tested the worker-employer relationship beyond anyone’s anticipation. Going forward, thriving in an uncertain future depends on having a compelling vision for where that relationship should go.

Making the shift from „survive to thrive” depends on an organization becoming distinctly human at its core – a different way of being that approaches every question, every issue, and every decision from a human angle first. This human angle becomes clearer when we focus on teams.

What we are going to talk about:

  • Post Pandemic Reality;

  • Five Workforce Trends to watch in 2021;

  • Possible futures based on Talent Supply and Government impact;

  • Reimagining Work as opposed to Work optimization.

Participation in the event is free. The meeting will be held in English. More information is available on: Webinar: Przyszłość pracy leży w zespołach | Deloitte

If you are interested to join the meeting please contact: kk@swisschamber.pl