Chamber of Commerce

Finance & Tax Forum: e-Invoices – What is worth knowing now and how to prepare for its entry into force?

25.02.2022, 11:00 - 12:30


We cordially invite you to a  webinar with the participation of EY experts devoted to one of the biggest accounting challenges in any company, i.e. the implementation of e-Invoices.

During our meeting for members of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, EY experts will answer the following questions:

• What awaits companies in the field of KSeF and e-Invoices?

• Structured invoice – what should you know?

• KSeF – practical information useful for accounting departments.

• How to properly plan the e-Invoice implementation project and choose the best supplier?

Katarzyna Wróblewska

Associate Partner, Dział Doradztwa Podatkowego EY


Andrzej Pałys

Associate Partner, Dział Doradztwa Podatkowego EY


Wojciech Michalak

Starszy Menedżer, Dział Doradztwa Podatkowego EY


The meeting is free of charge for the memberso of Polish – Swiss Chamber of Commerce. If you are interested in participating please register at the link below: