Chamber of Commerce

Open webinar – Economic forecast for the Polish economy in 2022-23

26.04.2022, 11:00 - 12:00


We would like to invite you to an open webinar ‘Economic forecast for the Polish economy in 2022-23’ which will be held online on April, 26th, at 11.00-12.00 AM.

Content partner of the event is BNP Paribas Bank Polska.

The year 2022 has brought a lot of dynamic changes, uncertainty and challenges. How will the Polish economy change in the near future? What should we expect?

During the webinar, Mr. Michał Dybuła, Chief Economist of the Bank and Head of the Economic Research Department will present current economic forecast including:

-The impact of war in Ukraine: export, investments, consumption.

-Inflation rate: how high and for how long?

-Economic policy: relation between fiscal actions and raising interest rates

-Financial markets: volatility and direction.

The webinar will be held in Polish. Participation is free of charge. If you are interested to participate in the event please contact: kk@swisschamber.pl.