Chamber of Commerce

EU Perspective for Poland 2014-2020

07.05.2015, 09:00 - 11:45


We are pleased to invite you to a breakfast meeting EU-Perspective for Poland 2014-2020. How to obtain financial resources from the new allocation of EU-funds?, which will be held on 7 May 2015 in Warsaw.

During the meeting we will present possibilities of obtaining financial support for big and SME companies, i.a.:
– New regulations and rules of providing support to companies in 2014-2010 from both EU- and national funds (including special economic zones),
– Areas and subsequent forms of support (subsidies, loans)
– Detailed information about the first round of application within the new EU-perspective ( different kinds of projects financed, criteria, key success factors).

For more information see the invitation below.

We kindly ask you to confirm your participation till 30 April 2015 at swisschamber@swisschamber.pl.