Chamber of Commerce

Practical aspects of the relation between Polish subsidiaries and their foreign shareholders

17.03.2016, 09:00 - 12:00


We would like to invite you to a breakfast meeting on „Practical aspects of the relation between Polish subsidiaries and their foreign shareholders. Polish daughter company vs. parent company. The conflict between the group interest (concern’s interest) and the daughter’s company interest. Risks and duties of Polish management boards and supervisory boards within a group of companies.”  The content partner of the meeting is the law firm JARA DRAPAŁA&PARTNERS.

At the meeting we will try to provide answers to questions important for Board members:
– To what risks associated with a personal liability are managers exposed, who fulfil their duties within the matrix structure?
– To what extent is it allowed to provide information through reporting in a group of companies (including compliance) to parent entities or to entities related to a shareholder?
– How binding for the management board are orders issued by a dominant foreign shareholder or entities related to it?
– Does an (official) employer (still) supervise employees and perform management function in the matrix structure?
– Can a Board Member assign its competencies as a director of the company to another “superior” in the matrix structure of the concern?

For more information please check the invitation below. Please note that the meeting will be held in Polish. Please confirm your attendance till 10 March at latest at swisschamber@swisschamber.pl.