Chamber of Commerce

Business Mixer at the Łódz Special Economic Zone

13.04.2016, 14:30 - 19:00


We would like to invite you to the Business Mixer of Łódz SEZ. The Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce is, for the first time, one of the partners of the event organised by the Lodz Special Economic Zone in April 2016.

During the event, each participant will take part in a series of direct meetings with various companies. It is a perfect opportunity to present your company, exchange business cards, make new contacts and look for suitable suppliers, clients and partners. In summer 2015 more than 200 companies participated in the series of direct meetings at the tables, and over 350 guests took part in the networking part.

Please register by filling in the online registration (link in the invitation below). An e-mail confirming your registration will be sent after 31st March. Due to the limited number of seats, registrations are accepted on a first served basis.