Chamber of Commerce

5th Swiss-Polish Roundtable

06.11.2018, 08:00 - 14:30

Hotel Seedamm Plaza, Seedammstrasse 3, CH-8808 Pfäffikon,Switzerland

We would like to invite you to the 5th edition of the Swiss-Polish Roundtable on Cross Border Business in the Digital Age. Best Practices from Healthtech and Beyond. The conference will take place on 6th November in Pfaeffikon, Switzerland.

Key topics are:

–    Digital operating models versus local representation – Mutually beneficial or exclusive?

–    Collaboration between teams in different countries – How to improve efficiency?

–    Expanding business – What to learn from Swiss and Polish best practice examples?

–    Blockchain – Is it the cross boarder business driver?

The Swiss-Polish Roundtable brings together companies from Poland and Switzerland to explore possibilities of exchange, inspiration and partnerships.

In order to register please visit the website.

For member companies registation fee: 100 PLN net.


08:00 – 09:00

Registration and welcome coffee

Time for individual meetings with companies at Topic Islands

09:00 – 09:05

Welcome address

Ulrich Schwendimann, Swiss Chamber Poland

09:05 – 09:10


Cross border business and technology

Patrick Dümmler, Health Tech Cluster Switzerland

09:10 – 09:30


Digital transformation in hearing healthcare

The talk will present how Sonova is driving digitalization in hearing care and illustrate the solutions and experiences made over five years with global partners, including Poland.

Francois Julita, Director Digital Experience, Sonova Group

Part 1: Cross border business

09:30 – 09:45

Expansion to Poland

How Switzerland Global Enterprise supports Swiss SMEs – the case of Nufer Medical

Benjamin Schwägli, Director Swiss Business Hub Poland

09:45 – 10:00

Swiss-Polish partnerships: IT to IT

Benefits and pitfalls of working with IT partners

Anna Nowicka, International Business Development, JCommerce Sp. z o.o.

10:00 – 10:15

Swiss-Polish partnerships: IT to pharma and diagnostics

Innovation as a process. Defining the future of digital health and looking for a perfect solution

Izabela Sośnicka-Lipa, Head of Technology Center, Group Services, Global IT Solutions, Roche

Bartosz Łopiński, President, Billennium

10:15 – 10:30

Swiss market entry

Best practice approaches to get a footprint in the Swiss pharma/life science market

Antonio Monopoli, CEO & Founder, andPharma GmbH

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee break and networking

Part 2: Blockchain business opportunities

11:00 – 11:15

Blockchain – a technological evolution and how to be a part of it

Ian Simpson, Chairman Communications WG, Crypto Valley Association

11:15 – 11:30

How to setup an ICO in Switzerland successfully?

Katharina Lasota Heller, Managing Partner, LEXcellence GmbH

11:30 – 12:00

Blockchain solutions – three elevator pitches

Niklas Leck, LifeBlocs (CH/USA)

Filip Pawczyński, Digital Assets Exchange (PL)

Kuno Bürge, Digital Ledger Systems AG (CH)

12:00 – 12:40

Roundtable discussion

How can blockchain facilitate cross border business?

Mateusz Kierepka, MedApp S.A.; Katharina Lasota-Heller, LEXcellence GmbH; Francois Julita, Sonova Group

Moderator: Patrick Dümmler

12:40 – 12:45

Closing statements and key takeaways

Patrick Dümmler

12:45- 13:30

Lunch buffet

Time for individual meetings with companies at Topic Islands

From 13:30

Individual meetings, e.g. country consulting

S-GE and other sponsors