Chamber of Commerce

Briefing on Swiss tourism/ Incentive trips to Switzerland

30.10.2018, 18:00 - 21:00

Embassy of Switzerland

On the occasion of the visit to Warsaw of Urs Eberhard, Deputy Director General of “Switzerland Tourism”, the official Swiss Tourism Agency, the Embassy of Switzerland in Poland, Switzerland Tourism and the Swiss Chamber Poland would like to invite you to a Briefing on Swiss tourism/ Incentive trips to Switzerland followed by a buffet dinner on Tuesday 30th October 2018, 18-21h at the Swiss Residence Embassy of Switzerland, Aleje Ujazdowskie 27, Warsaw.

This meeting will update you on tourism trends in Switzerland and present to you Switzerland as a perfect destination for your incentive travels (for customers, employees, other partners).

The programme of the evening will be as follows:
18.00 Arrival of Guests at Swiss Residence
18.15 Welcome by Jürg Burri, Ambassador of Switzerland/ Marek Szymański, President of Swiss Chamber
18.20 Briefing by Urs Eberhard, Deputy Director General, Switzerland Tourism on Swiss tourism/ Incentive trips to Switzerland
18.40 “Added value of Swissness in marketing – How Franke Poland is using Swissness and trips to Switzerland as marketing tools?”, Marek Szymański, Director Region Eastern Europe Franke Poland
18.50 “Here to help”; Adriana Czupryn and Marta Piechota, Switzerland Tourism Representatives at the Swiss Embassy
18.55 Q&A

Please kindly announce your participation to var.events@eda.admin.ch before 25 October 2018.

Questions regarding your participation or the participation of an appointed person can be answered by Katarzyna Błażejewska, Assistant to the Ambassador, Tel: +48 22 521 3221.

The Embassy of Switzerland in Poland, Switzerland Tourism and the Swiss Chamber Poland are looking forward to your participation.