Chamber of Commerce

Best practices exchange in the field of vocational training in manufacturing companies

23.04.2020, 10:30 - 15:00

Event postponed!

On 23rd of April a roundtable on vocational training “Best practices exchange in the field of vocational training in manufacturing companies. Cooperation with vocational schools and technical schools” will take place.


10:30         Welcome coffee
10:45         Event commencement, greeting the guests
                     Representatives of the Swiss, German and Austrian (Advantage
                     Austria) Embassies and the Chambers: AHK and Swisschamber
                     Representative of Stadler Polska
11:00         Vocational training in Poland after the reform
                     Representative of the Ministry of Education (MEN)
                     Aurelia Michałowska, Mazovian Education Superintendent (tbc)
                     Sławomir Kurpiewski, Head of Education Department, Siedlce Town
11:20         Stadler – a development partner with a future perspective
                     Dorota Wolska, Stadler Polska, Head of the Personnel and
                     Administration Department, Proxy
11:40          Cooperation with companies – School Director’s perspective
                      Jerzy Kopański, Director of ZSP nr 1, Siedlce
11:55          Vocational training and dual education of young workers at
                   Jastrzębski S.A. company
                      Magdalena Patralska, Jastrzębski S.A.
12:10          Break
12:30          World Skills Poland
                      Izabella Laskowska, Head of the Foundation for the Development
                      of the Education System (FRSE)
13:00          Production tour, talks with students
14:00          Lunch, Networking

The conference will be held in Polish with simultaneous translation into German.