Chamber of Commerce

Webinarium “Are sustainable solutions in construction industry a good investment?”

19.11.2020, 10:00 - 11:30


We cordially invite you to the webinar entitled: Are sustainable solutions in construction industry a good investment? which will take place on November 19, 2020 (10:00-11:30 AM).

The meeting is organized in cooperation with the member companies of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce: Geberit, Sika, WPIP and Zehnder. The event will take the form of a discussion moderated by Mr. Janusz Starościk, President of the Association of Heating Appliances Producers and Importers in Poland, member of the expert group of the Swiss government agency Switzerland Global Enterprise, as well as co-creator of the TVN METEO program “Dobre Klimaty”.

Building, equipping and then using buildings in their life cycle should be less invasive to nature. Natural resources are shrinking and environmental pollution is increasing, so eco is no longer a trend but a necessity. We have more and more innovative solutions and products at our disposal – so will we create climate-friendly buildings? How are individual representatives of the construction industry involved in this mission? We invite you to get to know the perspectives of producers and contractors, who are also investors, and to join our debate.



Konrad Grabarek, Geberit – “Zrównoważone budownictwo a rozwiązania Geberit”

Paweł Marczyński, SIKA – “
Niskoemisyjne żywice SIKA – posadzki, czy dzieło sztuki?”

Janusz Signetzki, WPIP – “
Od certyfikacji wielokryterialnej dla Smart Building Center po nowy, przejrzysty system certyfikacji ekologicznej Planet Friendly”

Adam Świętochowski, Zehnder – “
Produkty i Systemy Zehnder dla komfortowego, zdrowego i energooszczędnego klimatu wnętrz”

Moderated discussion


The webinar will be held in Polish.

Please register* here:


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