Izba Gospodarcza
Hoogells Oleksiewicz Sp.k.

Business News by Hoogells – Hoogells Oleksiewicz Law Office newsletter

We are happy to inform that starting in May, 2021, the Hoogells Law Office will make a newsletter available to our Clients – Business News by Hoogells.

We would like to share with you, on an on-going basis, legal and business content. We are aware of difficulties arising from the rapidly changing legal environment, regulations as well as the need to adapt to such. Our goal is to help you gain access to information and solutions that, from a legal point of view, may impact your business or held position.

As part of the newsletter, sent by e-mail, we will prepare for you information and commentary regarding legal issues. In particular this will include:

  • changes to the current legal situation and its impact on your business,
  • current legal issues,
  • interesting jurisprudence practice, and
  • current events.

We cordially invite you to subscribe the Hoogells Law Office newsletter – Business News by Hoogells.

In order to be added to the newsletter recipient list, please:

  • fill out the form available at www.hoogells.pl/newsletter/
  • click Subscribe and next
  • confirm registration by clicking on the link in the received e-mail.

We encourage you to share this information with other persons who may be interested in receiving our newsletter.

We strongly hope that the published content will be interesting and inspiring to you and, above all, helpful from the point of view of your business or position held.

We encourage you to subscribe!