Izba Gospodarcza
BALAJCZA Linguistic Services

Online Christmas breakfast with BALAJCZA

“Intercultural Christmas Meeting”

Christmas is coming – a time of magic and miracles. On this occasion, we would like to cordially invite you to an online Christmas breakfast on Thursday, 17 December at 8 am. This time the theme of our meeting is: “Christmas – an Intercultural Holiday”.


Christmas traditions are not the same in all countries.

We will discover that the differences are noticeable even in Europe. We will also check myths and historical facts about Christmas.


You will learn a lot of interesting facts at the meeting, for example:

  • Why don’t all Christians celebrate on the 25th December?
  • Does Santa Claus have a brother?
  • Who brings twigs to naughty children?
  • On which table will we see carp, on which turkey or sausages?
  • What treats do the French prepare during holidays?
  • Do the Japanese have Christmas traditions?
  • Why is an apple a symbol of 24th December in China?
  • Where does the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe originate from?


We will also have a Christmas QUIZ!


We will get into the Christmas spirit thanks to Kamila Radzyńska –  business coach, specialized in intercultural communication, member of SIETAR Polska, R&D Manager experienced in foreign trade, Roman language philologist, an enthusiast of the Far East, winner of the Knowledge about France Competition organised by Polish Radio Channel III and France Inter.

The meeting will be held in Polish.


To confirm your participation, please contact:.

Timea Balajcza,
phone number: +48 601 913 446