Chamber of Commerce

15.05.2024, 13:30 - 15:00

Swiss Lunch at the swisstech pavilion, Impact’ 24

On May 15-16, we had a pleasure of taking part in a unique conference – Impact’24, in Poznań. It was a special time, full of fresh ideas, innovative ideas and interesting conversations.

We made our debut as an organizer of a networking lunch. On May 15, the first “Swiss Lunch” took place during Impact. It was a side-event supporting the pavilion of the Swiss Embassy in Poland – swisstech, organized by the Swiss Chamber and Partners: ABB, Novartis, Roche and Stadler.

The meeting began with the official part. The guests were welcomed by the Director of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, Urlich Schwendimann, then the Swiss Ambassador to Poland, Febrice Filliez, who talked about the swisstech pavilion, and representatives of the companies that were partners of the event: Stanisław Tański, Moniquer Clua Braun, Irma Veberic and Philipp Brunner, explained what “Innovations through partnership” means for their companies.

A special guest also appeared at the ceremony – the Mayor of Poznań, Jacek Jaśkowiak.

After the official part, guests were invited to taste traditional Swiss cheese Raclette and for lunch and networking.
We would like to thank our Partners for their cooperation in organizing the event and all guests for their arrival and the pleasant atmosphere.