Chamber of Commerce

10.03.2016, 18:00 - 21:00

Inspiring success of Polish companies in Switzerland

On 10th March the meeting ‘Inspiring success of Polish companies in Switzerland’ took place, which was organized in Zurich in co-operation with the Polish Professionals in Switzerland and the Trade and Investment Promotion Section of the Polish Embassy in Bern.

The event began with the official welcome by Jaromir Sokołowski, the Ambassador of Poland in Bern. Afterwards the following organizers of the meeting gave a speech: Wojciech Bachorski (Polish Professionals in Switzerland), Monika Ruggli (Polish-Swisschamber of Commerce) and Krzysztof Wolniarski (Trade and Investment Promotion Section of the Polish Embassy in Bern).

The main focus of the evening were inspiring presentations of Inglot represented by Teresa Trillo-Drab and IT Kontrakt represented by Łukasz Syrnik.

We would like to thank all guests for taking part in this event.