Chamber of Commerce

05.02.2015, 09:00 - 17:00

New Year’s Meeting

The traditional New Year’s Meeting of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce was held on 5 February. This time the event took place in Warszawski Dom Technika NOT.

At the beginning of the event the Ambassador of Switzerland in Poland – Lukas Beglinger as well as the President of the Chamber – Marek Szymański welcomed the guests. Next dr Stephan Feige presented the results of the survey Swissness Worldwide – the survey on perception of Switzerland as a brand. The initiator of this research is University St. Gallen, which has carried out such surveys for several years in 14 countries important for Switzerland. The presented study was conducted to the order of the Chamber in cooperation with research institute IPSOS.

The survey clearly indicates that Poles associate Switzerland with creditworthiness, reliability and high standards, while Swiss companies gain on positive image of their homeland. At the same time the survey indicates the definitely more critical approach of the respondents towards Polish companies and their products. Full results of the survey may be found below.

New Year’s Meeting was also an opportunity to honor the laureates of the 1st edition of the competition swissstandards.pl From Theory To Practice (www.odteoriidopraktyki.pl).

The partners of the meeting were the beneficiaries of the sign swissstandards.pl (www.swissstandards.pl). We would like to thank the company Jura for the coffee service.

We would like to encourage you to watch the movie concerning the competition swissstandards.pl. From Theory To Practice

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