Chamber of Commerce

01.01.1970, 00:00 - 00:00

Polish-Swiss 4.0 Roundtable

On November 21, 2019 at 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM Polish-Swiss 4.0 Roundtable conference was held at the PGE Narodowy in Warsaw.

The co-organizers of the conference were Angst+PfisterBaumer and Bossard. The event was held under the patronage of: Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz-Instytut PIAP and magazyn Polski Przemysł.

The topic of the conference was: Product and production optimization to reduce costs and increase productivity.

After presentations of our coorganisers there was a panel discussion moderated by Jan Janiszewski, editor of Lean Management at Polski Przemysl. The following speakers took part in the panel discussion: Tomasz Olender (Deputy General Manager w TCL Operations Polska); Prof. Mirosław Pajor (Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin); Sebastian Golec (Product Engineer, Angst+Pfister Polska); Thomas Ehrat (Head of Sales Unit Switzerland / Country Sales Unit support Poland w Baumer AG); Peter Brans (Global Head Assembly Technology Expert at Bossard Group) and dr Dominic Gorecky (Head of Swiss Smart Factory).

Subsequently, the guests indulged themselves in long conversations and after lunch time they had an opportunity to take part in a sightseeing tour around PGE Narodowy.


We would like to thank our speakers for interesting and insightful presentations and participants for such a numerous attendance!


Below you can find presentations of our speakers:



IV Industrial Revolution – a new vision of machines


Design and implementation of parts and components for the customer’s existing products – presentation of the process. The use of items typical for Industry 4.0 in the process of preparing the product


How intelligent machines and ease of communication can change everything we know. The use of modern control systems, fast communication and intelligent sensors revolutionizes industry and the world


Small parts with great potential. Why is it worth to optimize fasteners and assembly processes?

Swiss Smart Factory – Industry 4.0 in Switzerland