Chamber of Commerce

28.05.2014, 09:00 - 17:00

Polish-Swiss Forum for Dialogue 21st Century Healthcare

“We do not have to reinvent the wheel” Oncology specialists debated at the Polish parliament about implementing strategies to fight cancer and the necessity of initiating a dialogue between stakeholders before introducing changes.

How to implement an effective strategy to fight cancer? The Parliamentary Team for Oncology in cooperation with the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and the Polish Oncology Society organized a session during which specialists searched for the answer to the question. The debate concerned the challenges Poland is facing in this matter, Switzerland’s experience in implementing system reforms and the role of a dialogue between stakeholders in the process of introducing changes. The event held under the patronage of the Ambassador of Switzerland was part of the Polish-Swiss Forum for Dialogue series and took place at the Polish parliament (Sejm).

Implementing the strategy to fight cancer is a major priority in nearly all countries in the world.

The experts gathered at the parliament agreed that the key factor in developing effective solutions is a dialogue between stakeholders from the public and private sectors. However, the discussions cannot take place post factum. A much better approach is to initiate talks before making any changes. This would guarantee an introduction of adequate and clear legal regulations accepted by all stakeholders. Both Polish and foreign specialists highlighted the fact that remedial actions should be based on reliable examples already implemented in other countries.

The session was chaired by Ms. Alicja Dąbrowska (MP) and consisted of lectures held by three specialists: Professor Jakob Passweg (President of the Swiss Cancer League), Professor Jacek Jassem (President of the Polish Oncological Society and Director of the Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy, Medical University of Gdansk) and Dr. Beat Seiler (Chief Medical Officer of Helsana, Switzerland’s leading health insurer). Mr Lukas Beglinger, the Ambassador of Switzerland in Poland, participated in the session as well.

If you wish to receive the presentation from the session, please contact the Chamber office at +48 22/ 322 76 25. 

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