Chamber of Commerce

03.09.2024 do 05.09.2024

“Swiss Point” Pavilion at the 33rd Economic Forum in Karpacz

On 3-5 September the 33rd Economic Forum in Karpacz took place.

The Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland in Poland invited again to events at the Swiss Point Pavilion. This year, they were held under the slogan “Innovation through Partnerships”.

Our presence was possible thanks to the cooperation and support of the Pavilion’s Strategic Partners: Nestlé, Novartis, Ringier Axel Springer, Roche and Sandoz, the Supporting Partner LEXCELLENCE and the In-Kind Partners Magical Raclette Show and SSC Distribution.

As in the previous edition, there was 150 sqm of Pavilion space arranged into a space conducive to casual conversations, as well as integration.

The Swiss Point program was rich in speeches, valuable panels, interesting meetings and delicious tastings. Each day was complemented by delicious flavorful touches (see below the agenda of the three days).

Throughout the Economic Forum in Karpacz, our guests could take an artificial intelligence fundus screening test in our Pavilion, made possible by the MDT Medical Devices Manufacturer team.

The whole experience was complemented by coffee from Starbucks, Nestlé’s global partner, and appetizers from the Garden Gourmet vegan product line, served by Nestlé.

Opening Panel
Innovation through Partnerships

During the panel discussion we sought answers to the questions: how to build an environment that supports innovation?
How to build an ecosystem of partnerships and stable cooperation between business, science and public administration, which will be friendly to the potential of both individuals and companies?
What challenges does Poland face in the future and how can it implement innovation in such important areas for society as health and life?

The panel included:

  • Aleksander Wasilewski, President of the Board, Nestlé Polska
  • Monique Clúa Braun, Country President, Novartis Poland
  • Jovan Protić, Vicepresident of Ringier Axel Springer Polska
  • Krzysztof Adamcewicz, Healthcare System Solutions Chapter Leader, Roche Polska
  • Jacek Śmiałek, Country President (ad interim), Sandoz Polska
  • Marcin Graczyk, Spokesperson of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH)

Moderator: Ulrich Schwendimann, Managing Director of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce

We encourage you to read and watch the report (in Polish only):

Partnerstwo przepustką do innowacji (Forbes.pl)

Partnerstwo ważne w rozwijaniu innowacji (VIDEO – Forbes.pl)


Swiss-style Cocktail

Swisschamber Poland and its partners of Swiss Point invited to a Swiss cocktail party, where guests had the opportunity to enjoy delicious food while cooking live with Kurt Scheller along with Swiss wine. Guests were welcomed by Luca Laloli, Head of the Economic, Financial and Scientific Affairs of the Embassy of Switzerland in Poland, and Rafał Kijonka, Vicepresident of the Board of the Chamber.

At the end, each guest had the opportunity to taste delicious Swiss chocolate in the form of a chocolate fountain from our member company SSC Distribution.

14th Polish-Swiss Forum for Health Dialogue
Coordination is King: How Integrated Healthcare Can Relieve Hospitals, Reduce Costs, and Improve Patient Outcomes?

In Switzerland, coordinated healthcare is based on a decentralized system that emphasizes primary care. Family physicians act as “gatekeepers” who coordinate patient care and refer patients to specialists when necessary. Interdisciplinary teams work together to manage chronic diseases and preventive care.

Swiss experiences were shared by:

  • Luca Laloli, Head of the Economic, Financial and Scientific Affairs of the Embassy of Switzerland in Poland
  • Annamaria Müller, President, Swiss Forum for Integrated Care FMC
    Swiss experience with integrated care
  • André Lüscher, CEO, Mediservice

In the panel participated:

  • Monique Clúa Braun, Country President, Novartis Poland
  • Maciej Miłkowski, Financial Analytics Coordinator, Military Institute of Medicine
  • Krzysztof Adamcewicz, Healthcare System Solutions Chapter Leader, Roche Polska
  • Piotr Pietrucha, Członek Zarządu Lek SA (Grupa Sandoz)
  • Paweł Koczkodaj, Ph.D., EMBA, Professor of the Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Primary Prevention of Cancer, Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Cancer Institute – National Research Institute
  • Monika Raulinajtys-Grzybek, Ph.D., Professor at SGH, Head of the Department of Managerial Accounting at the Warsaw School of Economics, manages the Executive SGH-WUM MBA studies in health care and the work of the Think Tank #SGHdlaochronyzdrowia, College of Business Administration

Moderator: Krzysztof Jakubiak, editor-in-chief of mZdrowie.pl

We encourage you to read and watch the report (in Polish only):

Konieczne usprawnienia w systemie opieki zdrowotnej (businessinsider.com.pl)

Opieka koordynowana. Sporo mamy jeszcze do zrobienia (VIDEO – businessinsider.com.pl)


Panel discussion
Disease prevention – how to increase the participation of Poles in preventive examinations?

Among experts of the healthcare system, representatives of patients and public administration, we discussed the importance and value of preventive examinations, both for cancer and for rheumatological and civilization diseases.

In the panel participated:

  • Paweł Koczkodaj, Ph.D., EMBA, Professor of the Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Primary Prevention of Cancer, Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Cancer Institute – National Research Institute
  • Anna Kupiecka, President of the OnkoCafe Foundation – Razem Lepiej
  • Jakub Kraszewski, Ph.D., President of the Polish Union of Clinical Hospitals
  • Zbigniew Derdziuk, President of the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS))
  • Piotr RutkowskiMD, President of the Polish Oncology Society [online]
  • Jerzy ŚwierkotMD, National Consultant in Rheumatology [online]

Moderator: Krzysztof Jakubiak, editor-in-chief of mZdrowie.pl

We encourage you to read and watch the report (in Polish only):

Profilaktyka przedłużeniem życia (medonet.pl)

Jak zachęcić Polaków do uczestnictwa w badaniach przesiewowych? (VIDEO – medonet.pl)


Round Table Chatham House
Information Security: the foundation of democracy in the digital age

The event was held in cooperation with the Association of Employers of Digital Publishers.


In between panels, we had the opportunity to taste traditional raclette cheese served by our friend Michel from the Magical Raclette Show. In addition to the outstanding flavors that transported us straight to Switzerland, it was a real show….

There was also real Swiss chocolate….

At 19:25, we started the European Night in Karpacz in cooperation with the French-Polish and Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Thank you very much for this joint event!

We hosted many experts, representatives of academia, business and Polish public administration, of whom we are extremely proud.

Thank you very much to all the Partners for the great cooperation and to the guests for coming to our pavilion in such large numbers.

We hope to see you next year!

Below the full Swiss Point 2024 agenda: