Chamber of Commerce

26th General Meeting of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce

27.05.2024, 10:30 - 13:30



10:00 – 10:30 Registration and welcome coffee

10:30 – 11:00 Official welcome by the President of the Chamber Michał Stępień, the Ambassador of Switzerland Fabrice Filliez and the Host & CEO of Hilti Tomas Trocil

11:00 – 12:30 General Meeting

12:30 – 13:30 Networking Lunch


    1. Opening of the General Meeting by the President of the Chamber

    2. Presentation of the financial statement and the Board’s activity report of the Chamber for the year 2023

    3. Presentation of the report of the Audit Committee and the motion for the approval of the Board

    4. Discussion and resolution to accept the financial statement and the Board’s activity report of the Chamber

    5. Discussion and resolution regarding the motion for the approval of the Board

    6. Presentation of the activity plan and budget for the year 2024

    7. Discussion and resolution regarding the budget motion for the year 2024

    8. Discussion and resolution regarding the establishment of an Advisory Council

    9. Election of the Board

    10. Election of the Audit Committee

    11. Other motions