Chamber of Commerce

Economic Outlook

28.11.2019, 18:00 - 22:00

Marriott Hotel, Warsaw

We would like to invite you to the next edition of the conference Economic Outlook that will be held on 28th November 2019 in the Marriott Hotel, Warsaw. The meeting is organised together with Advantage Austria and companies: Boyden, Deloitte and mBank.

During the event Economic Outlook 2020 – Current Trends Impacting Your Business there will be a panel discussion in which we will discuss trends in economy and HR.

The Keynote: What to expect in 2020? will be delivered by Ernest Pytlarczyk (Chief Economist / mBank).

The following speakers will take part in the panel discussion:

– Anna Grosiak / Siemens
– Dr Ewa Łabno-Falęcka / Mercedes-Benz Polska
– Zbigniew Płaza / Boyden Poland
– Jan Jarmul / Deloitte
– Marek Łuczak / Syngenta

The agenda and invitation you will find below.

Please register till 21st November at swisschamber@swisschamber.pl

The meeting will be held in Polish with translation into English.