Chamber of Commerce

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to improve customer retention, increase sales and reduce costs in the organisation| Open discussion | Deloitte & Swiss Chamber

11.01.2023, 15:00 - 17:00

Deloitte (Al. Jana Pawła II 22, Warszawa, piętro 21)

In today’s world, we are surrounded by large amounts of data, which we are not always able to use optimally. Companies that learn to better interpret information will gain a sustainable competitive advantage.

We cordially invite you to take part in the discussion on the following topics:

• Defining, planning and implementing solutions that leverage the potential of data and have a measurable impact on business

• Automation and optimization of processes to reduce operating costs and eliminate delays

• A platform that facilitates the exchange of information between departments

• Organization of effective analytical teams

• Scaling analytics solutions

• Use of solutions supporting forecasting future events (Machine Learning algorithms)

During the meeting, we will also speak about how to meet the requirements of the Omnibus Directive by using advanced data analysis solutions.

The speakers will be Paweł Zarudzki and Marcin Kruczyk, Directors in the AI ​​& Data team and Kamila Sobczyk, Consultant in the AI ​​& Data team.

The meeting will take place on January 11, 2023 from 15:00 to 17:00 at Deloitte’s headquarters, Al. Jana Pawła II 22, 00-133, Warsaw (building Q22).

The discussion will be held in Polish or English, depending on the registered participants.

The event is open and free.

If you are interested in participating, please register at:


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