Chamber of Commerce

Law enforcement authorities audits: what are your rights and how to be prepared

08.06.2016, 09:15 - 11:30


We would like to invite you to the breakfast meeting on “Law enforcement authorities audits:  what are your rights and how to be prepared“.  

During the meeting you will learn about:
– Why is fraud one of the biggest challenges for modern businesses?
– How to prepare for a possible visit by the law enforcement agencies in the company?
– How to effectively manage relationships with law enforcement officials in the company?
– How to act after the visit – how to communicate the event inside and outside?

The meeting is organised in co-operation with the American Chamber in Poland and will be held in English. 

If you are interested in taking part in this meeting, please confirm your participation until 3rd June 2016 at swisschamber@swisschamber.pl.