Chamber of Commerce

Leadership and team work – challenges and learning from football

15.12.2018, 18:00 - 22:00

Stadion Miejski im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego, ul. Łazienkowska 3

Before the end of the year we would like to invite you to a meeting truly extraordinary.

On Saturday, 15th December, 6 pm, Legia Warszawa and Swisschamber Poland would like to invite you a guest lecture held by Bernhard Heusler, former successful president of FC Basel and currently an advisor to the administrative board of Legia Warszawa, on “Leadership and team work – challenges and learning from football”.

The meeing will be followed by a food&wine networking and a live game between Legia Warszawa and Piast Gliwice.

More information you will find in the invitation below.

Event report (in Polish)