Chamber of Commerce

Polish-Swiss 4.0 Roundtable

21.11.2019, 11:00 - 16:00

PGE Narodowy, Warsaw

We cordially invite you to the Polish-Swiss 4.0 Roundtable conference with the participation of leading experts and practitioners from both Poland and Switzerland. The topic of the conference is Product and production optimization to reduce costs and increase productivity.

The conference will be held on November 21, 2019 at 11:00 AM at PGE Narodowy (Al. Księcia Józefa Poniatowskiego 1).

From Switzerland among others Head of Swiss Smart Factory (an institution that operates for its customers from private sector as an accelerator of innovation, e.g. in the field od engineering or advanced mnufacturing) will have a presentation.

The co-organizers are Angst+Pfister PolskaBaumer and Bossard Poland Sp. z o.o. PIAP and magazyn Polski Przemysł have taken a patronage over this conference.

We are also pleased to inform that Mr. Tomasz Olender, Deputy General Manager of TCL Operations Polska will take part in the panel discussion. Prof. Mirosław Pajor, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin will present a new vision of machines in the era of IV Industrial Revolution.

The conference will be moderated by Mr. Jan Janiszewski, editor of the Lean Managament in Polski Przemysł magazine.

After the official part, we invite you to a sightseeing tour around the PGE Narodowy. We encourage you to read the conference program attached below.

Participation in the conference is upon payment. Please register until November, 18th.

Let’s talk about modern production, innovations, optimization and perhaps still undiscovered areas of potential savings for your company and clients.

Registration link