Chamber of Commerce

Polish-Swiss Forum for Health Dialogue

26.05.2017, 09:15 - 14:00


We would like to invite you to the 7th Polish-Swiss Forum for Health Dialogue will take place in Warsaw on 26 May 2017. The title of this year’s edition is Patient-oriented and coordinated healthcare.

Venue: Centrum Prasowe Foksal, Dom Dziennikarza (room A) ul. Foksal 3/5, Warsaw


09.15 – 09.40 Registration
09.40 – 10.00 Official welcome
10.00 – 11.15 Panel: : Key challenges in patient-oriented and coordinated healthcare

Moderator: Piotr Arak, Polityka Insight, Chief Researcher

– dr n. med. Konstanty Radziwiłł, Minister of Health
– Ignazio Cassis, Member of the Swiss National Parliament
– prof. dr hab. n. med. Mirosław Wysocki, Director of National Institute of Public Health, National Consultant- Public Health
– prof. dr med. Gregor Zünd, MD, Professor of Surgery, President of the Executive Board / CEO University Hospital Zurich
– prof. dr hab. Ewelina Nojszewska, Warsaw School of Economics


11.15 – 11.45 Coffee break

11.45 – 12.45 Patient orientation in practice

– Case study I: Coordinated approach in prevention and treatment of breast cancer (dr hab. n. med. Renata Duchnowska, oncologist)
– Case study II: Comprehensive and innovative treatment options in cardiology on the example of heart failure (prof. dr hab. n. med. Jadwiga Nessler, cardiologist)

12.45-13.00 Concluding remarks

13.00-14.00 Lunch

Translation will be provided.
Please register until 11th May at var.events@eda.admin.ch


About the Forum
The Polish-Swiss Forum for Health Dialogue is an initiative supported by LifeScience companies, whose aim is to inspire the discussion on shape and direction of reforms in the Polish healthcare, as well as to contribute to the development of a relation-model between stakeholders, based on conducting an open dialogue according to Swiss experiences.

The Polish-Swiss Forum for Health Dialogue has been held six times so far:
– Market-State Balance in Healthcare: Competition among payers – Swiss experience (2011)
– Preventive medicine and health promotion – new perspectives for the national and local government (2011)
– Dialogue as the best mechanisms to find optimal solutions in healthcare (2012)
– National policy for Senior Citizens in Europe, illustrated by the Example of Switzerland. Interministerial Challenges in senior citizens care in Poland (2013)
– How to implement a cancer strategy? Challenges for Poland. Swiss experience – reform of the system, the role of dialogue between stakeholders (2014) – event report
– How do we treat cancer in Poland? The availability of modern cancer treatment for Polish patients (2015) – event report