Chamber of Commerce

Open webinar – “Budget 2022 – the art of forecasting in a dynamic reality”

27.10.2021, 12:00 - 13:00



We cordially invite you to the open webinar “Budget 2022 – the art of forecasting in a dynamic reality”, which will be held on October 27, 2021 at 12:00 pm! The content partner of the event will be BNP Paribas Bank Polska, while the speaker will be Michał Dybuła, Chief Economist of the Bank and Head of the Economic and Sector Research in Poland.

This year, budgeting is an extremely difficult task. Accelerating inflation and numerous changes in regulations, which may eventually not even come into force, mean that budget plans have to be constantly modified and corrected. During the webinar, to which we especially invite the CEOs and people from accounting and financial departments, we will try to present possible scenarios and the best solutions for 2022.

Participation in the event is free of charge. If you are interested, please register HERE. The meeting will be held in Polish. Registration for this event is tantamount to accepting the Regulations.