Chamber of Commerce

Business breakfast: Tax challenges for entrepreneurs | KSeF and permanent place of business for VAT (FE)

20.02.2024, 09:00 - 11:00


We invite you to participate in the business breakfast: Tax challenges for entrepreneurs | KSeF and permanent place of business for VAT (FE) organized jointly by the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and CRIDO. Due to the decision of the Minister of Finance to postpone the mandatory National e-Invoice System and the lack of information regarding the new date of entry into force of the KSeF and planned changes in relation to the currently applicable version, we decided to propose the topic of our meeting to best respond to the current needs and interests of entrepreneurs operating in Poland.

In addition to discussing the current status of regulations regarding KSeF, we decided to present to you the issue of the so-called permanent place of business within the meaning of VAT regulations. Apart from the fact that this issue is of interest to the Polish tax authorities, it will also be very important from the perspective of the implementation of the KSeF. The meeting will be led by Maciej Dybaś (partner in the VAT team at CRIDO) and Tomasz Groszyk (senior manager in the VAT team at CRIDO). In addition to tax issues, both speakers conduct projects preparing taxpayers for the implementation of KSeF as part of their daily practice.


  • National eInvoice System – status update

  • Permanent place of business for VAT (FE) – what is it and what formalities does it involve?

  • The practice of Polish tax authorities in the context of FE – why is it specific compared to the entire EU and should it be important for Swiss business in Poland?

  • Why will FE be important in the context of KSeF implementation not only for your business but also for your contractors?

  • How to verify your FE status and secure your tax position?

  • Questions/discussion

The meeting will take place on February 20, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the CRIDO headquarters at ul. Towarowa 28 in Warsaw.

If you are interested, please complete the registration form:


Participation in the event is free of charge. The event will be held only in the stationary format. The meeting will be conducted in Polish.

* We care about the quality and interaction during our meetings, so we reserve the right to cancel the event in the event of an insufficient number of applications. We assure you that we will inform you about any changes in advance.