Izba Gospodarcza

Kancelaria Tomczak i Partnerzy

Tomczak i Partnerzy: publication of book „Limited partnership. A tax vehicle and safety”

This publication, like the previous ones, is a result of our very practical experience connected with creating limited partnerships and transforming already existing capital companies into limited partnerships. Therefore, the book contains, among others, a chapter dedicated to such a transformation. Another part – the fifth chapter – is wholly dedicated to tax and accounting issues, which, in a great measure, made such a form of partnership a very interesting form of conducting business.
The book itself is written in a very clear and easily understandable language, which legal publications very often lack.
The book has been published in Polish.
„Spółka komandytowa. Wehikuł podatkowy i bezpieczeństwo” edited by attorney Michał Tomczak, ODDK Gdańsk Publishing House, June 2010