Chamber of Commerce

Polish-Swiss Innovation Day

20.04.2016, 09:00 - 16:00


We would like to invite you to the Polish-Swiss Innovation Day. It will be a second such meeting organized by Chamber in cooperation with the Swiss Embassy in Poland, Ministry of Development and Ministry of Science and Higher Education. 

The objective of the Swiss Innovation Day is to further develop a policy dialogue between Switzerland and Poland on science and innovation, emphasizing the contributions of the private sector to the dynamic economic development of Poland. It will also allow for exchanges of experiences, best practices and networking, which might encourage concrete cooperation projects in the future.

During the event the panel disussions will take place on:
– Internationalization of innovative activities
– Innovation in practice in the Business Service Sector
– Fostering innovation through public procurement

The representatives of Swiss and Polish companies such as ABB, Credit Suisse, Roche, Solaris, Stadler Rail confirmed their participation in the discussion. More about the conference you can find at www.psid2016.pl/frontpage_en