Chamber of Commerce

Liability of collective entities

19.03.2019, 09:00 - 12:00

Al. Jana Pawła II 22, Warsaw

We would like to invite you to a breakfast meeting on “Liability of collective entities” that will be held in Meet & Eat restaurant (Q22 building, Al. Jana Pawła II 22/1floor, Warsaw) on 19th March at 9am. The content partner of the event is CW Legal.

Among others you will find out:

– what is the liability of collective entities?
– what my company may be liable for?
– what to do in order not to be afraid of the penalty of 30 000 000 PLN?
– the penal liability of the Management Board,
– what must be done to prepare your company for the new law?
– whistleblowers- ally or enemy? How to deal with it?

Please find enclosed the agenda of the meeting and the speakers’ bio.

In order to register please contact us until 12th March at swisschamber@swisschamber.pl

Please note that the meeting will be held in Polish.