Izba Gospodarcza

Results of the survey “Resumption of air connections – how important is it for your company?”

Dear Members,

Thank you very much for participating in the survey. The same study was carried out by the chambers of France, Germany, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries, with the support of other bilateral chambers. We present accurate results provided by the members of Swisschamber and Advantage Austria.

The results clearly show that the current restrictions on air traffic have affected your companies. Only 4% of respondents indicated the option of no correlation between restrictions and functioning of the company.

Also when asked about travels after resuming air connections, the least of you marked the option “I will not use them”. Central Europe is the most popular among the proposed destinations, but also countries outside Europe and Western Europe were marked.

Below you will find the results of the survey along with a press release from the International Group of Chambers of Commerce (IGCC), as well as an article from “Rzeczpospolita” about the survey (in Polish).

Survey results Press release – IGCC Rzeczpospolita (PL)