Izba Gospodarcza

Competition “Swissstandards.pl. From Theory to Practice” – for member companies

We are pleased to announce that the formula of the competition „Swissstandards.pl. From Theory To Practice” (www.odteoriidopraktyki.pl) has been extended.

According to the new regulations all member companies of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce fulfilling the criteria of the trademark swissstandards.pl may become a partner of the competition, without the need to apply for the trademark.

Participation in the competition enables the students to write their theses under the auspices of experts and win a scholarship or valuable prizes. For partner companies it is an opportunity to build brand awareness among the young generation of future employees, as well as establish long-term cooperation.

We finished the first edition of the competition. The prizes were awarded to the winners during the New Year’s Meeting of the Chamber. You can read the event report at:

All details concerning co-operation can be found in the regulations of the competition „Swissstandards.pl. From Theory to Practice” attached below (regulations available only in Polish). If you are interested, please contact the office of the Chamber: 22/ 322 76 25, swisschamber@swisschamber.pl.

We would also like to encourage you to watch the movie promoting the idea of the competition „Swissstandards.pl. From Theory To Practice”: