Izba Gospodarcza

Gessel, Koziorowski Sp. k.

GESSEL advises the Black Forest fund on an investment in Tikrow

GESSEL is proud to have advised Black Forest, an investment fund controlled by  Michał Sołowow, on its investment in Tikrow.

Tikrow, launched in late 2017, is a temp work agency and operator of a marketplace platform bringing together companies in search of flexible staffing solutions and individuals interested in working on a “per hour” basis. The platform offers individual users access to temping offers posted by registered companies, which she may accept depending on her own schedule and needs; upon completion of the task, remuneration is promptly wired to the specified account. This model has proved itself, in particular, in retail, catering, events and promotions, and in the hotel industry.

Thanks to the present investment by Black Forest, Tikrow will find it easier to develop its technological infrastructure while pursuing sales and marketing activities with a view to building up its presence – also at the international level.

GESSEL supported Black Forest in preparation and negotiation of the investment agreement and various corporate and technical documents as well as finalisation of the deal.

The GESSEL team supporting Black Forest was led by Maciej Kożuchowski, partner, with Michał Trociuk, senior associate supervising the transaction work. Karolina Krzal-Kwiatkowska, senior associate, Anna Haciuk, associate, Adam Kraszewski, managing associate, Marta Grabiec, senior associate, Inarda Bielińska, of counsel and Bartosz Kolarz, associate contributed.

“We are very happy to have had the opportunity to advise Black Forest on its investment in Tikrow, and we thank the fund for the trust which they put in us. Tikrow presents a fine example of an innovative business model within the global trend towards a sharing economy. Our firm’s knowledge and experience have served us well, enabling us to ensure a successful outcome.”

Maciej Kożuchowski

