Izba Gospodarcza


Human Capital Practices Survey 2019

The Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce has just concluded the 2nd edition of the Human Capital Practices Survey prepared in cooperation with Boyden. There was a higher participation level of companies (approx. 60) than in the 1st edition. On top of this, the current survey was divided into three sectors: manufacturing, sales and SSC/CEO/IT. It is worth noting that around 60% of Swiss companies manufacturing in Poland took part in the survey. Therefore, we are happy to present both general results as well as separate data for each of the three sectors.

The participating companies were asked about their practices regarding benefits, incentives and related areas such as employer branding, referral programs or internships. What is more, the companies shared (also anonymously) their data about current retention and planned vs. realized compensation growth.

As we already have history of data, we can observe some changes in trends on the labour market. Some interesting conclusions from this year’s report:

  • The list of incentives is getting longer and more companies are active in this field. Even “exotic” incentives like yoga classes can be observed.   
  • There is a common perception that employer branding is ever more important. However, only a minority of companies knows how to do it. In this respect, there are big differences between the three distinguished sectors.
  • The rotation rate changed. Surprisingly, the rate recorded in manufacturing companies is close to that of the sales companies.
  • During the last years, the realized average salary increase was higher than planned. The companies also shared their expected average salary increase for 2020. Still, their HQs may not be satisfied.

To sum up, it seems that labour market became more stable and predictable – we can expect less pressure on compensation growth and acquiring new talents will become feasible and easier. In general, the whole picture of HR practices seems to be more positive and predictable than last year.

If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Ola Taciak (at@swisschamber.pl).