Izba Gospodarcza

Investing in Poland 2024: free e-book on tax and legal regulations

Each year getsix® publishes a brochure compiling current tax and legal issues. We cover the most important changes and topics that shape the immediate business environment and have a direct impact on starting and running a business in Poland.

The easy-to-read e-book format systematises and facilitates the access to strategic information from the enterprise’s standpoint.

The “Investing in Poland” brochure is addressed to:

  • entrepreneurs running a business in Poland. It is a valuable compendium of information on the most recent tax, legal and accounting changes;
  • potential investors considering starting a business in Poland. The brochure not only presents a thorough analysis of the Polish tax system, it also clarifies in detail all legal and accounting nuances related to investing in Poland.

The information is structured into four sections:

  • Starting business activity in Poland
  • Taxes in Poland
  • Leasing
  • The social security system in Poland

Our e-book “Investing in Poland 2024” ensures the best tax-related or corporate law decision making for your business!

The getsix® Group is a reliable and trusted partner. We offer ongoing, tailored business support to help you develop, expand and succeed.

Our more than a dozen years of experience guarantee the best-in-class services in the areas of:

Our business solutions are based on the latest IT technology and are certified in accordance with ISO 9001.

Download our free e-book now

Have a look at the presentation of the brochure on the YouTube platform: LINK

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If you have any further questions regarding taxes, accounting or investing in Poland please contact us using the contact form on our website: LINK

Our team of experts stays at your disposal.

With kind regards,

your getsix® team