Tuesday, 13 April 2021
11 am-12 pm
“How to build your image offline and online”
Developing your personal image is the key to establishing relationships, gaining trust and making successful sales. Regardless of what you do and whether you are aware of it or not, you shape your image every day, both offline and online.
It’s not just the tone of your voice and the words you speak that matter, it’s also how you look and what you wear. Nowadays, the interior of the room from which you take part in online meetings also plays a significant role in the creation of your personal brand.
It only takes a moment for someone to start liking you and an equal amount of time for them to become prejudiced against you. That is why we would like to invite you to our workshop that will help you create your image offline and online.
During the meeting you will learn:
- Czym jest dress code i dlaczego jest ważny
- O efekcie pierwszego wrażenia i szacunku od pierwszego wejrzenia
- Na co zwrócić uwagę przy budowaniu wizerunku
- Jakie są kanony biznesowego dress code’u
- Czy kolorowe krawaty i czerwone paznokcie są odpowiednie na spotkania biznesowe
- Gdzie bardziej przywiązuje się wagę do wizerunku – w Niemczech czy w Argentynie
- Jak wystrzec się popełnienia faux pas podczas spotkań online
You will learn about image-building from:
Iwona Sasin – engineer and image coach, graduate of the Faculty of Textiles at the Łódź University of Technology and Université de la Mode, Université Lumière Lyon 2 at the Faculty of Communication in the Fashion and Luxury Industry.Iwona gained her professional experience in France, working with the style agencies of Nelly Rodi, Peclers and Martine Leherpeur, among others. She is a fashion industry practitioner. She has extensive international experience: she has worked in France, Italy, Germany, UK and Sweden. She provides strategic planning and production management at every stage for international fashion brands. She writes about fashion and style, and coordinates conferences, trainings and workshops for clients on image-making projects. She adheres to the principle of “sharing is caring”. She feels best when what she does allows others to grow. She values human-centred action the most. She does fashion drawing, creating original prints. She covers fabrics, leather, natural stone surfaces (quartz, alabaster) and plastics with her designs.
Monika Guzek – intercultural trainer, project manager and university lecturer. She coordinates strategic marketing projects and is responsible for introducing products into foreign markets and adapting them to the requirements of these markets. For the past 11 years, she continues to find fulfilment in the area of B2B and B2C marketing, actively supporting sales departments and adapting sales support methods to local customer preferences. She has gained extensive international experience: Monika has worked in Poland, Germany, China and Indonesia, and for the last two years she has been dividing her life between Poland and Portugal. President of SIETAR Poland.
The meeting will be held in Polish.
To confirm your participation, please contact:
Timea Balajcza, timea.balajcza@balajcza.pl
tel.: +48 601 913 446
- Please be informed that the participation in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” is tantamount to consenting to the use and dissemination by the organizer, i.e. BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. (KRS 0000659805), of the image of the persons participating in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” provided for in Article 81 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.
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