Izba Gospodarcza


Survey on investment climate in Poland

On behalf of the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency we kindly request you to take part in the survey on investment climate in Poland. The survey is brought to you by Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency in partnership with advisory firm Grant Thornton and global bank HSBC. We are interested in the comments from companies with foreign capital, relating to the broad spectrum of factors that influence the conditions for both the setting up and the running of companies in Poland.

The questionnaire is anonymous and conducted in an on-line mode. Due to this factor, your responses will flow directly back to the database. The questionnaire is active until October, the 31th, 2016. The results of the survey will be analysed in October and November. The findings of the survey and the final report will be presented during the press conference in 4th quarter 2016.

Survey Participants Anonymity and Confidentiality:

The survey is anonymous, in the report no names of individuals nor companies participating in the survey shall be presented.

Link: http://www3.paiz.gov.pl/climate/?lang=en