Izba Gospodarcza

The most important labour law amendments 2019

Dear Sir or Madam

The Polish Labour Code has been amended effective 1 January 2019. Employers should adapt their in-house procedures to those changes not only to ensure compliance with the current legislation, but also to reassure employees that the company cares for them. After all, it is them who are the company’s key resource. We invite you to a meeting with a labour law expert who will present the most significant amendments:

The most important labour law amendments 2019

Please go to the event page for the detailed training agenda, including, e.g. storing employee-related documentation and Employee Capital Plans (PPK).

The meeting will be held in the Polish language on 05.03.2019 in the Rödl & Partner office at ul. Sienna 73 in Warsaw.

The participation fee is PLN 200 + 23% VAT per person / PLN 100 + 23% VAT per person (Clients von Rödl & Partner).

Registration till 01.03.2019 via our website.

Please note that the number of participants is limited and you are not registered until you receive
an e-mail confirmation.