Chamber of Commerce

01.01.1970, 00:00 - 00:00

3. Polish-Swiss Roundtable. eHealth: ICT solutions for Health Tech

On 9th November in Switzerland took place the 3. Polish-Swiss Roundtable. eHealth: ICT solutions for Health Tech.

The Polish-Swiss Roundtable aimed to bring together companies from Switzerland and Poland (ICT and Health Tech) to get to know each other and explore possibilities of exchange, collaboration and partnerships.

The meeting consisted of the following parts:


– “Switzerland as a Health Tech hub” Patrick Dümmler, Health Tech Custer Switzerand
– “Legal aspects of eHealth with some business opportunities” Katharina Lasota-Heller, HütteLaw AG
– “The global digital health industry, main players, and solutions for the industry” Constantino Bredy, PwC Switzerland

Case Studies:

– “Advanced IT solutions made in Poland for Swiss Health Tech” Mariusz Mulas, Head, Roche Global IT Solutions
– “How to turn a doomed project around. From despair to bright future in a few simple (but not easy) steps” Wojtek Gurgul, PGS Software
– “Optimize complex and analytical queries in a hospital” Davide Li Cavoli, Projektleader, Hicron Switzerland
– “Current Trends in IT Solutions for eHealth” Michał Pruski, Comarch

Panel Discussion – “Swiss-Polish Cooperation in eHealth – business insights” moderator: Patrick Dümmler, Health Tech Cluster Switzerland

Speed Business Meeting – series of direct meetings, during which the participants have a chance to briefly present their companies and make new contacts

We would like to thank the co-organizers for their cooperation during the organisation of the event and our sponsors for the financial support of the meeting. 

Do pobrania:

147946663601-1_Erich Jakob_eHealth_ict_solutions_for_health_tech_091116_eric_jakob.pdf
147946663602-2_Patrick Dmmler_Polish-Swiss RT_HTCS_v01.pdf
147946663606-7_David Li Cavoli_HICRON_eHealth_Polish_Swiss_Roundtable_V01.pdf