Chamber of Commerce

01.01.1970, 00:00 - 00:00

Polish-Swiss Forum for Health Dialogue

On 5th October Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Swiss Embassy have organised Polish-Swiss Forum for Health Dialogue for the eighth time. The topic of this year’s edition was “Outcome-Based Healthcare (OBHC) as a catalyst for innovation in healthcare”.

The meeting was opened by Jürg Stephan Burri, the Ambassador of the Swiss Embassy that gave the floor to the Minister of Health, Łukasz Szumowski.

After the official welcome we had a pleasure to hear presentation of Dr Gerhard Pfister on “Global trends in healthcare- Switzerland as an example”, Dr Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka on “What is value-based healthcare and what kind of tools it employs?” and Prof. Beat Mueller on “A user-oriented hospital benchmarking that actually helps our patients – is that possible?”.

In the second part of the meeting a panel discussion moderated by Joanna Bekker, Business Development Director, Polityka Insight was held with the following guests from Poland and Switzerland:

•     Prof. Dr med. Beat Müller, Medical Director, Medical University in Aarau
•    Dr Gerhard Pfister, Member of the Swiss National Council and Social Security and Health Committee. President of the Swiss-Polish Parliamentary Group
•    Dr Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka, Director at the Healthcare Management Institute at Łazarski University
•    Beata Ambroziewicz, President of the Polish Union of Patients’ Organizations “Citizens for Health”
•    Dr n. med. Grzegorz Juszczyk, Directory at the National Institute of Public Health and the National Institute of Hygiene
•    Prof. Tadeusz Pieńkowski, President of Polish Society for Breast Cancer Research

We would like to thank the Ambassador of Switzerland for the official welcome and Minister of Health for the attendance and patronage as well as the panellists and participants of the Polish-Swiss Forum for Health Dialogue.

Below you can find photographs and press articles.

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The Polish-Swiss Forum for Health Dialogue has been held eight times so far:
– Market-State Balance in Healthcare: Competition among payers – Swiss experience (2011)
– Preventive medicine and health promotion – new perspectives for the national and local government (2011)
– Dialogue as the best mechanisms to find optimal solutions in healthcare (2012)
– National policy for Senior Citizens in Europe, illustrated by the Example of Switzerland. Interministerial Challenges in senior citizens care in Poland (2013)
– How to implement a cancer strategy? Challenges for Poland. Swiss experience – reform of the system, the role of dialogue between stakeholders (2014) – event report
– How do we treat cancer in Poland? The availability of modern cancer treatment for Polish patients (2015) – event report
Patient-oriented and coordinated healthcare (2017)event report

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