Chamber of Commerce

Finance & Tax Forum: Regulations in the ESG area – challenges, risks, obligations, strategies.

25.01.2022, 11:00 - 12:00


The Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and the Hoogells Law Firm are pleased to invite you to the webinar “Regulations in the ESG area – challenges, risks, obligations, strategies.”, which will take place on January 25, 2022, from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

If you are interested in participating please register under the link below:


The webinar will be conducted by Mirosław Metych, Partner, Head of M&A, Hoogells, who will discuss the following issues:

– EU taxonomy – Regulation (2020/852) on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investments and delegated acts – challenges and obligations related to the correct classification of activities (and investments) from the perspective of sustainable development.

– Non-financial reporting (including obligations in 2022) and extension of reporting obligations in accordance with the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) project to replace the NFRD (Directive 2014/95 on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by some large entities and groups) .

– Obligations resulting from the Regulation (2019/2088) on disclosure of information related to sustainable development in the financial services sector (SFDR – Regulation on sustainability-related disclosures) and the RTS project (Regulatory Technical Standards) to the above-mentioned SFDR.

– The ESG strategy and its impact on the transaction area (including M&A) – impact on the scope of due diligence, valuations, portfolio structure.

– Selected instruments of balanced financing – ICMA standards (green bonds, social bonds, sustainable bonds, sustainability-linked bonds).

– Further planned changes in the ESG regulation area – incl. the so-called April and July packages (2021), including the EC’s proposal for a regulation on a voluntary European green bond standard – European Green Bond Standard (EUGBS).

– The impact of the ESG strategy on the investment market (Investment Funds, PE, VC – EuVECA)

The event will be conducted in Polish.