Chamber of Commerce

Business Intelligence Workshop

10.10.2016, 09:00 - 17:00


We would like to invie you to a workshop on Business Intelligence, which the Chamber is organizing on 10th of October in Warsaw. The workshop is thought as a follow up of the Polish-Swiss Innovation Day and will be held by Chris Pallaris, who had a short version of this workshop at the conference.

The list of global clients i-intelligence has worked for is impressive (www.i-intelligence.eu/about/references) and it will be a unique opportunity to attend this workshop in Poland. The agenda of the meeting and the course benefits you can below. 

If you are interessted in taking part in the workshop, please contact the Swisschamber Office (+48 22/ 322 76 25 and/or swisschamber@swisschamber.pl). Please note that the number of places is very limitted.