Chamber of Commerce


02.03.2016, 09:30 - 12:00


We are pleased to inform you that the next CFO-Forum will be organised on the 2nd March. The topic of the Forum is „Challenges for companies controlled in 2016 – current trends and implementation of the Standard Audit File”.

During the meeting the following issues will be discussed:
1) Trends in audits
– What is the actual basic field of interest of the tax authorities?
– Is it possible to prepare for an audit?
– We have received a notification about the intention to initiate an audit- what other measures can be undertaken?
– The individual responsibility risk in case of irregularities in settlements in the course of audit – how can we limit this risk?

2) Standard Audit File (SAF)
– What should taxpayers understand under obligations connected to the SAF? When will we be obliged to submit data in SAF format? Which data does the SAF cover? What is the experience of other countries that have already implemented the SAF?  
– Who is responsible for the right implementation of the SAF in an organisation and who is responsible for the correct submitting requested data through SAF to the tax authorities?
– What tools can ensure the appropriate level of compliance appropriate in terms of tax reporting in SAF format?
– Reporting is not all- what will tax authorities do with the data submitted through SAF?

The content partner of the meeting is the company E&Y. If you are interested in the event please contact the Chamber Office at swisschamber@swisschamber.pl