Chamber of Commerce

Employee Capital Plans vs. Employee Pension Plans – which is more beneficial to an employer?

02.10.2018, 09:00 - 11:00


The Ministry of Finance adopted a draft bill on Employee Capital Plans at the end of August. New provisions of law introduce an obligatory saving system, which will involve the vast majority of professionally active Poles. The draft postulates that the most extensive employers will be subject to the Employee Capital Plans starting from July.

Therefore, we would like to invite you to a breakfast meeting, where the currently effective Employee Pension Plans will be compared to the Employee Capital Plans with respect to law, taxes and business. Together with our experts, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these two systems and we will try to find out which one is more beneficial to an employer.


We are organising the meeting together with the Belgian Business Chamber and Crido in a restaurant Casa Pablo (Grzybowska 5A, Warszawa) on 2 October at 9 o’clock.


We are waiting for your registration until 25 September. Please, send it to swisschamber@swisschamber.pl


Please note that the meeting will be held in Polish.

Download the invitation together with the agenda below.