Chamber of Commerce

General Meeting

22.06.2017, 10:45 - 14:00


We would like to invite Members of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce to the 19th General Meeting. The meeting will be held in Credit Suisse new office building (Pereca 1, Warsaw).


10:45 – 11:00    Registration & Welcome coffee
11:00 – 11:10    Welcome speech, Andrej Motyl, Ambassador of Switzerland
11:10 – 11:30    Presentation, Credit Suisse Poland
Aneta Kocemba, Head of Credit Suisse Warsaw
Konrad Kompa, Head of UK Investment Banking CRO Poland BDC
Global Banking ‘Made in Poland’ – an outlook for Credit Suisse Poland
11:30 – 13:00    General Meeting

1.    Opening of the General Meeting by the President of the Chamber
2.    Presentation of the financial statement and the Board’s activity report of the Chamber for the year 2016
3.    Presentation of the report of the Audit Committee and the motion for the approval of the Board
4.    Discussion and resolution to accept the financial statement and the Board’s activity report of the Chamber
5.    Discussion and resolution regarding the motion for the approval of the Board
6.    Presentation of the activity plan and budget for the year 2017
7.    Discussion and resolution regarding the budget motion for the year 2017
8.    Other motions

13:00 – 13:15     Tour around Credit Suisse premises
13:15                 Lunch, buffet

Please confirm your participation till 14th of June at swisschamber@swisschamber.pl.