Chamber of Commerce

International Speed Business Mixer

09.11.2021, 18:00 - 21:30

InterContinental Hotel

There are only a few days left to an unique networking meeting, thanks to which you will be able to establish new contacts in the business environment focused around international bilateral chambers and find potential clients and future partners. Mature entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized companies, representatives of large corporations and institutions sit at the tables for business talks. Several-minute series of meetings allow for the exchange of experiences, contacts and business cards.

What is Speed ​​Business Mixer?

Speed ​​Business Mixer is a meeting that allows each participant to reach a very wide audience with their offer. Each registered participant has the opportunity to take part in a series of short meetings with representatives of selected industries *.

During the meeting, the interlocutors are divided into groups based on a previously completed online application form. Each participant will receive an individual schedule of interviews, which will be held, assigned to given groups, during 3 sessions: in each group, a given participant will introduce himself to the rest of the group in a 2-minute speech. After about 20 minutes and the exchange of business cards with the participants of a given group, everyone will move to the next group, according to their schedule.


17:30 – 18:00 Registration of participants

18:00 – 18:30 Official opening and debate


20:00 – 21:00 Cocktail and networking

* The organizers do not guarantee a meeting with companies from each of the industries that the participant indicated on the application form.

Registration for the event is possible only by filling in the application form. Before registering for the meeting, please read the following regulations of the event:


  1. Only one person from each company interested in the meeting can participate. The second part of the meeting – Business Mixer – may be attended by another additional person from the company.

  2. The event will take the form of a stationary event.

  3. On the day of the meeting, upon arrival, each participant will receive an individual schedule of interviews. The organizers do not guarantee a meeting with companies from the industry that the participant indicated on the application form.

  4. Participants will be divided into groups of up to 10 people. In each group, a given participant will introduce himself to the other group members in a 2-minute speech. After about 20 minutes and the exchange of business cards with the participants of a given group, everyone will move to the next group, according to the individual schedule presented at the beginning. The number of groups in which the participant will be able to present his own company will depend on the number of applications.

  5. The interlocutors will be divided into groups based on the completed application form. However, the organizers do not guarantee a meeting with companies from each of the industries that the participant indicated on the form.

  6. Interviews will be conducted in Polish and / or English.

  7. Participation in the meeting for representatives of companies associated in the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce is free.

  8. People who confirm their presence, but do not take part and do not cancel it by 04/11/2021, will be charged a fee of PLN 250 + VAT.

  9. If you are interested in participating, please complete the application form by 04/11/2021.

  10. By participating in the event, the participant declares that he or she is not a person with symptoms of infection, in quarantine or under epidemiological supervision. Obligation to have a mask and a hand sanitizer.

  11. Due to the significant increase in the incidence of covid19 at present and the care for your safety, the event is subject to safety requirements. Please prepare your vaccination certificate and show it at the registration stage (digital or paper) when entering the event. In the absence of full vaccination / immunity, participation in the meeting will be possible after presenting a negative Covid test result, not older than 48 hours. 

  12. In the event of a stationary event being canceled due to force majeure, the participant will receive online access data to the event. The time of the event will change then – at 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

The registretion closed on November 4.

If you have any questions, please contact us: mb@swisschamber.pl