Chamber of Commerce

Open Webinar – Cybercrime prevention. Selected legal aspects.

19.05.2021, 11:00 - 12:30


We cordially invite you to an Open Webinar, organized in partnership with RGW Rocławski Graczyk i Wspólnicy
Adwokacka Spółka Jawna. The topic of the meeting will be: "Cybercrime prevention. Preparation of the enterprise to use the rules of data security policy in IT-systems"

The webinar will take place on May 19, at 11.00 am, on hopin platform.

During the meeting following issues will be discussed:

1. Cybercrime. Crimes against IT security of the enterprise. Description of the main
attacks and losses they cause:
a. Ransomware
b. Scam by pretending to be a director
c. Swapping bank account numbers
d. Fake internet shops
e. Data leakage
f. Theft of business secrets
g. Network hacks
h. Phishing
2. Culpability – inadvertence – civil, administrative liability (GDPR) .
3. Criminal liability.
4. Necessary actions to minimise liability:
e. Enterprise’s IT systems security policy - norms, acts, good practices,
guidelines, GDPR decisions.
f. Outsourcing and entrusting security supervision – data hosting (cloud), email
g. Managing Data security risk in the enterprise. Compliance Policy
h. Employee training
5. Insurance for breach of IT systems security – minimum remuneration.