Chamber of Commerce

Poland in the opinion of foreign investors

11.04.2019, 10:00 - 12:00


We cordially invite you to a conference on the results of the Business and Investment Climate Survey.

The conference will be held at the Press Centre of Polska Agencja Prasowa at Bracka 6/8, Warsaw on Thursday, 11th April.The results of the survey will be presented at the conference. 

Conference program:

9:30- 10:00 – registration

10:00- 10:15 – opening –Minister Tadeusz Kościński, Ministerstwo Przedsiębiorczości i Technologii

10:15-10:40 – presentation of research results, Michael Kern, general director, German-Polish Chamber of Commerc

10:40 – 11:30 – debate with foreign investors and the Polish Investment and Trade Agency

11:30 – 12:00 – media questions & networking


Marcin Petrykowski, Regional Head for EMEA & CEE, S&P Global Ratings

Wojciech Graczyk, Director,  Legal Affairs & Regulatory Management, Compliance Officer innogy Polska, CEO innogy Polska IT Support

Rafal Kijonka, Country Manager, Swisslinx

Waldemar Zawiślak, Sales Director, Egger Biskupiec

Jan Kamoji-Czapiński Director, Direct Investment Department PAIH


Katarzyna Soszka-Ogrodnik, Head of PR, German-Polish Chamber of Commerce