Chamber of Commerce

Polish-Swiss Forum For Dialogue

23.04.2015, 09:00 - 12:00


We would like to invite you to the VI Polish-Swiss Forum for Dialogue which will take place in Warsaw on 23 April 2015. The topic of the meeting: “How do we treat cancer in Poland? The availability of modern cancer treatment for Polish patients“.

The report “Access to innovative cancer drugs in Poland compared to other countries of the European Union and Switzerland” will be presented during the meeting. The report has been prepared by Alivia – Oncological Foundation of Young People (www.alivia.org.pl), who is also the co-organizer of the meeting.

The Polish-Swiss Forum for Dialogue is an initiative supported by LifeScience companies, whose aim is to inspire the discussion on shape and direction of reforms in the Polish healthcare, as well as to contribute to the development of a relation-model between stakeholders, based on conducting an open dialogue according to Swiss experiences.

VI Forum for Dialogue is a result of the need for access to modern anticancer therapy in Poland. We will present how the situation of sick patients looks like in Poland compared to other European countries. We will also undertake an attempt to answer the question of how this topic is perceived by doctors and patients, as well – we will begin a debate on current and possible solutions.

If you are interested in taking part in the meeting please contact the Office of the Chamber (+48 22/ 322 76 25 or swisschamber@swisschamber.pl).

The Polish-Swiss Forum for Dialogue has so far held five meetings:

– Market-State Balance in Healthcare: Competition among payers – Swiss experience (2011)

– Preventive medicine and health promotion – new perspectives for the national and local government (2011)

– Dialogue as the best mechanisms to find optimal solutions in healthcare (2012)

– National policy for Senior Citizens in Europe, illustrated by the Example of Switzerland. Interministerial Challenges in senior citizens care in Poland (2013)

– How to implement a cancer strategy? Challenges for Poland. Swiss experience – reform of the system, the role of dialogue between stakeholders (2014) – event report